Ask ELi to Investigate

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When readers ask, we investigate.

ASK ELI TO INVESTIGATE: Unidentified Pink Object

Friday, October 17, 2014

On Fridays, ELi runs a feature called Ask ELi to Investigate in which we answer a question from a reader. Last week we answered a question about BWL finances. Several readers have submitted other important political and economic questions, and we are working on those and will bring you answers in the coming weeks. As we work on those, this week we offer you a lighter Ask ELi.

Ask ELi: How Much Money Goes from BWL to Lansing?

Friday, October 10, 2014

Note: This article begins a new weekly Friday feature of ELi called “Ask ELi to Investigate.” This feature takes questions from readers and assigns a citizen-reporter to investigate the answer. If you’d like to submit a question for “Ask ELi to investigate,” use our contact form.

A reader asks: How much money does the Lansing Board of Water and Light (BWL) give from its profits to the City of Lansing each year?

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