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When readers ask, we investigate.

City Attorney Says Citizens Won't Be Asked to Vote on Center City Deal

Thursday, May 4, 2017

With City Council set to make possible decisions on the Center City redevelopment proposal next Tuesday, the City Attorney tells ELi the deal doesn't have to be run past East Lansing voters for approval. ELi examines what we know about the deal and the City Charter, and finds the situation complicated.

Ask ELI: Why Did They Cut All Those Trees?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A reader wrote to ask us to find out why so many mature trees were cut down along one portion of the Northern Tier Trail. We bring you the answer.

How Much Would the New School Bond Really Cost Taxpayers?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What would passage of the East Lansing Public School bond on May 2 really mean for property owners in the school district in terms of increased taxes? We've crunched the numbers and we bring you the answer.

Ask ELi: Is the BWL Franchise Fee a Tax?

Monday, March 27, 2017

A reader asks if the new BWL franchise fee, which will raise East Lansing residents' BWL electric bills by five percent, amounts to taxation without representation. Here's the answer.

Ask ELi: The Evergreen Problem in the Park District

Monday, February 6, 2017

What problems do the "the Evergreen Avenue properties" present to redevelopment in the Park District, and why do the City's taxpayers owe over twice what they're worth on them?

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