City Council

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UPDATE: Four Council Candidates Do Early Finance Disclosure

Monday, August 31, 2015

Note: This article was corrected on September 1, 7:45 am, because Steve Ross's press release and statements to me by phone during our interview misrepresented Shanna Draheim as having specifically committed to his particular plan. While Draheim has decided to do early disclosure, she has not specifically agreed to the plan proposed by Ross because of the grassroots nature of her campaign, as noted in her statement below.

EL Law Used to Suppress Political Speech is Set for Repeal

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Above: ELPD Sergeant Andrew Bouck telling City Councilmember Ruth Beier that she could not distribute a political handout protesting display of a confederate flag at the Folk Festival on August 9.

This week, East Lansing’s City Council moved to repeal a section of the City’s Code without anyone on Council ever mentioning what motivated the repeal: the use two weeks ago of that section by East Lansing Police officers to stop political speech.

City Council Candidate Profile: Mark Meadows

Thursday, August 20, 2015

City Council candidate Mark Meadows is familiar to many East Lansing residents due to his years of public service.

Meadows began his career as an Assistant Attorney General in the Michigan Attorney General's office. During this time, he worked on cases where he represented the Departments of Social Services, Mental Health, Natural Resources and the State Police. He also served in the Environmental Protection Division.

Council Capsule: August 18, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Image: Artist’s rendition of what the alley off Ann Street Plaza could look like with art.

Note: This article was updated on August 19th, 2015 to indicate that the location of proposed condo development near Chandler and State Roads is Falcon Pointe, not Hawk's Nest as we originally reported.

The August 18 meeting of City Council was a “work session,” which means it was not videotaped or broadcast. You can listen to an audio recording by clicking here.

New Downtown TIF Plan Up to $1.45 Million

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Image: Artist’s rendering of the planned building for 565 East Grand River Avenue (where the old Taco Bell building now is).

Developer David Krause is asking East Lansing’s City Council to approve a tax increment financing (TIF) plan of about $1.45 million, saying he cannot build a planned new retail and apartment building downtown without public financial support.

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