City Manager

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Council Debates Options for Video Recordings of Meetings

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Should East Lansing continue paying about $150,000 per year for a local company to record audio and video of City Council and Planning Commission meetings? The City Manager believes the service is critical to government transparency. ELi's Brad Minor reports.

Regulation of Scooters Coming

Monday, February 25, 2019

Here comes local regulation for electric rental scooters. What might that involve in terms of where scooters are ridden and parked, how much companies pay the City of East Lansing, and what ridership data of yours local government officials will be able to see? ELi's Jessy Gregg and Alice Dreger report.

City Manager Did Not Seek to Track Mercury Spill

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What finally moved East Lansing's City Manager to ask what might have happened to mercury spilled at the City's wastewater treatment plant, a full year after it was revealed that the spill had been spread around town?

What the City Won’t Report

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The City of East Lansing has recently begun publishing e-Dialog reports on what happened at City Council. ELi's Publisher Alice Dreger explains why we encourage you to read those reports, but to sign up for ELi's weekly news summary as well.

Council Renews Lahanas’ Contract with Salary Bump

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

East Lansing's City Council unanimously approved a new contract for City Manager George Lahanas last night, voting on a different version than the one released to the public on Friday. Council praised the contract and Lahanas. ELi's Alice Dreger reports.

Big Raise for Lahanas? Plus Bonuses?

Monday, February 11, 2019

East Lansing's City Council is looking at giving City Manager George Lahanas a new contract with a big raise plus lucrative benefits. If passed tomorrow night, the raise will be backdated to the day the City implemented an income tax to deal with its financial crisis.

Renderings Versus Reality in East Lansing

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Developers like to show pretty pictures as they ask for City Council approval. Here at ELi, your public service nonpartisan news source, we like to bring reality to bear. Have a look?

City Says It Can’t Find “Park Place” Site Plan

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

ELi asked for the Park Place site plan application, which was supposed to have been submitted December 17, under the Freedom of Information Act. But the City says it can't easily locate it. What's the story?

DDA Unanimously Approves Contract with Park Place Developers

Friday, December 14, 2018

East Lansing's Downtown Development Authority has unanimously approved an exclusive contract with the Park Place developers and, contrary to a Planning Commission decision, recommends that 140-foot-tall buildings be allowed in more places. ELi's Chris Root reports.

What’s Next with the Scooters?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

City leaders assumed Bird and Lime scooters would be removed with the onset of winter weather, but they're still here. Find out what's happening with scooters on both sides of Grand River, and what (might be) next from ELi's Jessy Gregg.

Something for Nothing in Park Place Deal?

Friday, December 7, 2018

Could developers tie up the debt-ridden, publicly-owned Evergreen Avenue properties for eight more months with an exclusive purchase agreement, and wind up paying nothing for the privilege? Looks like it.

What Does ELi Face Under the Current Administration?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Recently a reader asked us why we didn't explain the reasoning behind Mayor Pro Tem Erik Altman's actions related to medical marijuana, and suggested that we were afraid to push for real answers. ELi's Publisher Alice Dreger explains why it's not quite that simple.

Major Marijuana Hearing Tomorrow, With Little Notice

Monday, October 29, 2018

Amidst Council Member Aaron Stephens' thwarted attempts to increase transparency, following little public notice, East Lansing's City Council will hold a special meeting and possible vote tomorrow on marijuana regulation.

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