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As Lime Moves In, Scooter Regulation Debated

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Now that Lime scooters have dropped in East Lansing, the City is under increased pressure to figure out what (if anything) to do about regulating the riding and parking of electric scooters. Alice Dreger reports.

Fire Prevention Code Not Being Followed in East Lansing

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Further investigation by ELi finds the City Manager has misrepresented the City’s code on fire safety, and the Fire Marshal isn't following the City's code. Now the City is demanding $1200 before it will release any fire review documentation on Center City.

East Lansing Submits Plan to Fund Pension Liability

Monday, September 17, 2018

East Lansing’s City Council has approved a plan to reduce the underfunded status of the City’s pension system. Michigan’s Municipal Stability Board will now decide whether to accept or reject it. ELi's Chris Root reports.

Fire Marshal Review Missing on Center City Project

Thursday, August 30, 2018

ELFD tells ELi there has been no Fire Marshal review of plans for the 12-story building now under construction on Grand River Avenue. It appears plans for the rest of the $132 million Center City District redevelopment project have also never undergone Fire Marshal review.

What to Do for Struggling Businesses Downtown? Council Debates the Issue

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Mayor Pro Tem questions whether there's really been a downturn in business downtown during construction, while two other members of Council advocate for more free parking downtown to try to rescue struggling shops and restaurants. ELi's Jessy Gregg reports.

Last-Minute Questions about the Income Tax Proposal

Monday, August 6, 2018

Could Council Members look at your income tax returns? Is the "Yes" side going to return the marijuana industry donations? Is the "No" side making factual misrepresentations? We've got answers to your last-minute income tax proposal questions.

Whistleblower: “Everyone Else Pays for Their Own Sidewalk”

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

If East Lansing's City Attorney doesn't have to pay for his sidewalk, why should the City make you pay for yours? A whistleblower is now pushing that question in federal court. ELi investigates the latest claims and counter-claims in the case.

Court Rules for City of East Lansing in Case Brought by Workers

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Michigan Court of Appeals has dismissed a civil case brought by a group of City employees exposed to mercury and asbestos while working at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Alice Dreger and Ann Nichols explain the case and the court's decision.

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