Already Voted Absentee and Want to Redo Your Ballot? You Still Can.

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Monday, March 2, 2020, 1:24 pm
Alice Dreger

Above: City Clerk Jennifer Shuster at City Hall (photo by Gary Caldwell)

Voted for Pete Buttigieg and now that he’s out of the race you want to vote for someone else? Read ELi’s recent interview with Potter Park Zoo’s executive director and now want to change your vote on the zoo millage question? Looked carefully at ELi’s voter guide on the land sale proposal and want to change your vote?

Whatever reason you might have for wanting to redo your absentee voter March 10 ballot, you still can.

The redo is official known as “spoiling” your absentee voter (AV) ballot. This allows you to fill out a new ballot. Only the new one will count.

According to the East Lansing City Clerk’s office, you can do this in person at the City Clerk’s office (410 Abbot Road) and you can also write to the City Clerk’s office via email to let them know you want to do this. If you’re writing in, make sure you include your name and address in the request. A new ballot will be issued to you.

But you have to ask by Saturday, March 7, at 2 p.m. to have a new ballot mailed to you, or you have to vote in person by Monday, March 9, at 4 p.m. if that’s how you want to do it.

Remember that your ballot must be received by the Clerk’s office by the time the polls close on March 10 to count. Consequently, time is running out to use the postal service for this.

Asked for an absentee ballot and still don’t have one? Either stop by the Clerk’s office or write in by email to let them know.

Already voted for Buttigieg and don’t feel like doing a new ballot? That’s okay – the rest of your votes on the ballot (for things like the land sale proposal and millage questions) will still count. You don’t need to do anything more.

Voting at the polls, not absentee? Polls will be open March 10 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Confused? Just call the City Clerk’s office. They are very happy to answer questions: 517-319-6914.
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