Few Days Remain to Recycle Unused Christmas Lights

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Friday, December 13, 2019, 9:41 am
Chris Hosey

Wondering what to do with unused or non-working Christmas lights and want to help preserve the environment at the same time?

The East Lansing Department of Public Works has partnered with Michigan State University to recycle lights at two convenient locations but time is running out: the lights need to be turned in by Wednesday, Dec. 18, to either the DPW drop-off at State and Coolidge roads, or the Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road.

Christmas light recycling has been available to residents of East Lansing for 10 years. The program was initially started by the Board of Water and Light until recently when the City and MSU took it over.

 “We would definitely like to continue to offer the program every year,” said Cathy DeShambo, environmental services administrator for the City.

Because Christmas lights are not biodegradable they sit in landfills for long periods of time. They also can contain traces of lead and mercury, which could potentially contaminate the surrounding area.

City residents also can take advantage of free curbside recycling days on Mondays Dec. 16, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30 to fill their carts with clean, accepted items. All items need to be placed inside the cart with lids closed.

Lights can also be placed in Simple Recycling bags and recycled curbside at any time of the year. Lights cannot be placed in recycling carts.

For a full list of accepted items, visit www.cityofeastlansing.com/recycle.

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