Have a Look at the Site Plan Application for Park Place?

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Thursday, January 3, 2019, 9:17 am
Alice Dreger

Above: Rendering of the project along Albert Street, looking from about the back steps of Peoples Church.

Yesterday afternoon, the City of East Lansing released some of the site plan application materials for Park Place, the large new project being proposed for the site of Dublin Square and the DDA’s Evergreen Avenue properties. In a kind of reverse “Ask ELi,” today ELi is asking our readers to take a look at the materials we have and to let us know what you see and what questions you have.

The links are provided below. These materials were submitted by the developer on December 17, as was required in the deal made with the DDA. (Read more about that here.)

According to the City Clerk, “the developer is already working on revisions and those are expected soon,” and we’ll of course follow up when those are ready. But in the meantime, we’d like to know your questions and thoughts on this project.

We have an appointment to see the large-scale drawings at 1 p.m. today. There we’ll be able to take photographs to share more information.

You can send questions or comments into publisher@eastlansinginfo.org, or if you’d like to submit an anonymous question or comment, use our contact us page and, for category, choose “Message to Politics/Gov editor.”

If you’re looking for drawings, have a look at the document called the "site plans" right here.

If you want to see textual explanations of what’s enclosed, click on the document that is called “application," right here.

The third document is the formal response to our FOIA, which shows you what we asked for, visible here.



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