Icy Sidewalks Must Now Be Cleared According to East Lansing’s Laws

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020, 1:39 pm
Alice Dreger

An ELi reader wrote in today to ask us to remind East Lansing property owners of the law that requires them to clear their sidewalks of snow and ice.

The City’s website explains that “property owners are responsible for clearing the sidewalks adjacent to their property in order to keep the community safe and walkable,” and that includes “business owners, landlord/renters, and any other owners of property” in East Lansing.

Parking and Code Enforcement (PACE) can write tickets for properties that violate the law. A ticket can be written for every day a sidewalk is not cleared.

Asked if the City is enforcing the regulation, East Lansing Deputy Police Chief told ELi today, “Yes, PACE will be enforcing the snow removal ordinance this winter. Residents may call the non-emergency dispatch number to report violations that need to be addressed.”

That number is 517-351-4220.

Be aware if you’re salting that regular rock salt (sodium chloride) can be ineffective when especially low temperatures hit. As we reported in a special winter edition of ELi on Earth, calcium chloride is a viable option for very cold temperatures.

As we reported, calcium chloride “works at lower temperatures, is probably easier on East Lansing roadside plants, does less damage to concrete, and does not cut the feet of pets and wild animals of East Lansing. You can get it at a number of local stores, including Meijer.”




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