Make a Contribution to ELi

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Make a one-time contribution by credit card:

Just grab your credit card and click here to donate to ELi through GiveGab.

Make a one-time contribution by check:

Make your check payable to "East Lansing Info" and mail it to ELi, P.O. Box 115, East Lansing, MI, 48826-0115.

Want it to be anonymous? In that case, send a cashier's check or money order with your personal information not shown.

Sign up for a monthly commitment by credit card:

Just pull out your credit card and sign up to be a monthly contributor through GiveGab . Choose an amount and select "make this a recurring gift."

(If you prefer, you can also become a monthly donor  via PayPal.)

Sign up for a monthly commitment by check:

Use your bank's automatic bill-pay feature to send a check automatically to East Lansing Info, P.O. Box 115, East Lansing, MI, 48826-0115. For every new monthly commitment, NewsMatch will give us the equivalent of your annual commitment.


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