Development and Planning

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Vibrant Sculpture Adds Dash of Flair to Valley Court Park

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dane Porter's “Lemon Grass" sculpture now graces the entrance of Valley Court Park. ELi's Brad Minor reports on the first project to be completed using donated funds from the city's Percent for Art program.

What’s Happening with That Thing in East Lansing?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Who is running for City Council? Is P.T. O'Malley's moving into the Menna's Joint space? What happened to the driveway drama? What's the latest with the eBay land sale? Answers to these ELI reader questions and others!

Potential Benefits (and Costs) Seen with New Free Parking Program

Monday, July 1, 2019

Right now and through the whole month of July, you can park for free for the first half-hour at gated garages and the Bailey lot in downtown East Lansing. ELi's Brad Minor explains the special program and brings feedback from downtown businesses and City leaders.

Another Design, More Argument, and Another Extension for Royal Vlahakis

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why did a majority of East Lansing's Downtown Development Authority members vote to give Royal Vlahakis another extension? And why did Mayor Mark Meadows and Chair Peter Dewan vote in opposition? ELi's Alice Dreger brings you the latest from the ongoing drama.

East Lansing Land Sale Set for November’s Ballot

Friday, June 21, 2019

The City of East Lansing recently bought a 26-acre parcel. Now voters will be asked on the November ballot to agree to let Council sell all or part, as Council sees fit. ELi's Brad Minor and Alice Dreger report.

Council Majority Grants Rental Restriction to Portion of Shaw Estates

Thursday, June 20, 2019

A group of homeowners in Shaw Estates said they did not want the "essence" of their neighborhood marred by having even one house rented. Three members of City Council approved their request. ELi's Mark Meyer explains why the other two voted against.

Your ELi: Power and Transparency in East Lansing’s Government

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Transparency is nonpartisan: people of all political affiliations – unless they have a personal interest that disincentivizes them – want transparency from their governments. ELi Publisher Alice Dreger wonders if ELi should shift its reporting focus and just trust that City leaders are making good decisions?

‘Hub’ Taking Shape and Its Space is Filling Up Quickly

Friday, June 7, 2019

Looming large at the corner of Bogue Street and Grand River Avenue, "The Hub on Campus" is attracting plenty of attention from potential occupants. ELi's Brad Minor reports that developers expect all apartments to be rented by the beginning of the fall semester.

Council Members Deny Development Moratorium Is Election-Motivated

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Three East Lansing Council members say the redevelopment moratorium – which disappeared from last night’s agenda – is not related to the November election. So what are their stated reasons, and what is Council planning to do with the moratorium idea?

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