Family Life

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Community Conversation about Suicide to Happen This Evening

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

East Lansing’s Public Library will play host to a special community conversation later today: “East Lansing Talks about Suicide and Self-Harm.” City Council member Shanna Draheim has urged citizens to consider attending.

Haven House Awarded $30K in Grants, Announces Match Program

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The funding from the R.E. Olds Foundation and the Joe D. Pentecost Foundation will provide emergency shelter to 165 more families over the next five years. ELi's Noa Kuszai brings the story and explains how the matching donation program will work.

After 15 Years, Max’s Race Founders Are Passing the Torch

Friday, June 28, 2019

For fifteen years, Natalie Hool and Jim Matthews have organized a local race to honor their late son Max, raising funds to help families with children facing serious medical problems. Now they're passing the torch. ELi's Andrew Graham explains why.

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