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You can sign up with your email address to stay abreast of the news in East Lansing. It's easy and it's free! And you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Weekly newsletter: We email the weekly newsletter out on Friday afternoon. It shows you everything we published that week in summary, with handy "read more" links. It closes with a condensed calendar telling you what's coming up in the week ahead. Sign up for ELi's weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Daily newsletter: This newsletter keeps you abreast of what we've published today in terms of big news. Sign up for ELi's daily newsletter by clicking here.

Why do some people sign up for both the daily and the weekly newsletters?

They're not the same!

The weekly newsletter provides the upcoming calendar alerts, which the daily emailer does not. The weekly newsletter also makes it easy to scan one single email to see what you might have missed that week.

By contrast, the daily gets news alerts to you sooner and also makes it possible for you to get late-breaking weekend news, posted after the weekly newsletter goes out.

We recommend you sign up for both. You can unsubscribe at any time from either of these mailers.

Production of ELi's weekly newsletter is sponsored by Crunchy's!

One more thing:

If you value our service, then please help support it. We'd rather be reporting for you than spending time fundraising. Click here to discover an easy way to provide us just a few dollars a month. Thank you!
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