Red Cedar River

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What, No More Surfing on the Red Cedar River?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Four engineering students have proposed removing the underwater dam across from MSU’s Administration Building and replacing it with a series of "rock arch rapids." ELi's Jessy Gregg dives below the surface for this report.

River Trail to Be Extended East

Monday, March 4, 2019

All the parts are finally starting to fall into place for a much-anticipated trail in Meridian Township that will connect the Lansing River Trail and MSU campus to Meridian’s existing Interurban Trail. ELi's Jessy Gregg reports.

Major Sewer Upgrade Means Loss of Trees, Gain of Capacity

Friday, March 1, 2019

The Chesterfield Hills and Brody neighborhoods are set to be affected by a major sewer upgrade on Michigan Avenue. ELi's Jessy Gregg talked to Public Works staff to find out what residents should expect along Michigan Avenue.

Quiet Water Symposium Returns to East Lansing

Monday, February 25, 2019

The 24th annual Quiet Water Symposium will be held on Saturday, March 2, at the MSU Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education. Over 200 exhibitors, speakers, and hands-on demonstrations promoting non-motorized outdoor recreation and conservation will be at the event. ELi's Paige Filice reports.

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