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ELi will be running its first summer youth journalism program in August 2017.
About the program: The two-week course, led by journalism educator Cody Harrell, will lead students in understanding of basic and advanced techniques of journalistic writing and reporting. The program will be free for students accepted, and students will receive a $250 stipend for participation in the program. In addition, students will be paid as reporters during the program to produce published reports for ELi’s readers. (Reporting is paid per published report.)
Topics in the program may include, but are not limited to: first-amendment law, professional journalistic ethics, news hierarchy, interview techniques, concise writing, Associated Press styling, interpreting legal documents, the Freedom of Information Act in theory and practice, basic photojournalism, and more. By the end of this two-week program, students may be phased into the ELi team to assist in local investigative journalism and community news reporting.
Deadline for application: The deadline for application was June 16, but we may still have a couple of spots available after that date. If you're reading about this after the deadline, contact to find out if you can still apply!
Who can apply: We are accepting applications from people aged 14-22 who are interested in journalism, whether or not they plan to pursue a career in the field. Applicants do not need to live in East Lansing.
About the schedule: We are accepting applications through June 16 on a rolling acceptance basis until the program is full. The program itself will run Monday-Friday, August 7-18, 2017, with three hours of group meetings per day at the East Lansing Public Library. (We are asking applicants to indicate time availability on their applications, but we anticipate that the three-hour meetings will run midday) Students will also work in small groups and one-on-one with Harrell.
About the journalism educator: Cody Harrell (pictured above) is a journalism and English teacher at East Lansing High School. Mr. Harrell has been working with high school journalists ever since leaving his editorial position as a senior in high school and transitioning into a journalism degree program at Michigan State University. While at MSU, he obtained specializations in graphic design, publication design and web design. He also earned accolades from the Journalism Education Association, the Society for News Design and the School of Journalism at MSU.
During the last seven summers, Mr. Harrell has been a student, adviser, mentor and teacher at the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association summer journalism camp held on MSU’s campus. When not advocating for student first amendment rights and working with the best and brightest of tomorrow’s journalism, he enjoys training for marathons and singing in his barbershop quartet.
How to apply: Download the application from this link.
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