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Man Shot Near Lake Lansing Meijer Following Apartment Invasion

Thursday, November 15, 2018

According to ELPD, “suspects forced their way into an apartment where an altercation occurred" and a shot was fired. Police found a man with a gunshot wound and are now looking for the suspects. ELi brings you the information made available so far.

City Threatens Arrest Over Approved Driveway

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The City is threatening to arrest a property owner over construction of a driveway for which he had a permit, had an inspector's go-ahead, and had the support of a majority of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Why?

Whistleblower: “Everyone Else Pays for Their Own Sidewalk”

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

If East Lansing's City Attorney doesn't have to pay for his sidewalk, why should the City make you pay for yours? A whistleblower is now pushing that question in federal court. ELi investigates the latest claims and counter-claims in the case.

Big New Redevelopment Proposal Gets Mixed Reviews

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The new redevelopment proposal for the now-vacant lots downtown came to Planning Commission last night and was met with lots of questions. ELi's Jessy Gregg and Alice Dreger report.

Downtown Albert Avenue Project Comes Out of Limbo

Friday, June 22, 2018

That downtown redevelopment project that went into limbo following Council’s inaction on it? This week, it squeaked by, but not without some debate. ELi's Andrew Graham reports.

Ordinance Change Could Mean More Hotels and Motels

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

If, at its meeting tonight, Council approves a zoning change recommended by Planning Commission, we could see more hotels and motels in East Lansing, particularly in certain areas. ELi's Jessy Gregg reports.

Council to Decide Controversial Reconfiguration of Harrison Road

Monday, March 12, 2018

East Lansing's Transportation Commission supports converting another portion of Harrison Road from four lanes to three in order to add bike lanes. But Council, anticipating controversy, is going to decide the matter. ELi's Alice Dreger reports.

Ask ELi: Why Is Georgio’s Closed?

Monday, February 12, 2018

A reader asked why the Georgio’s Pizza at 1010 East Grand River Avenue (just east of Bogue Street) is closed up with a fence around it. ELi brings the answer.

Planning Commission Formally Fails to Recommend The Hub

Friday, November 17, 2017

The proposed ten-story-tall, student-focused “The Hub” formally failed to get a positive recommendation from East Lansing’s Planning Commission Wednesday night. ELi's Jessy Gregg reports.

TIF-Funded Repairs Complete at MAC Garage

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The M.A.C. parking garage is open again with repairs funded through a record-breaking 60-year TIF plan. ELi's Jeanette McWaters reports.

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