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Potential Benefits (and Costs) Seen with New Free Parking Program

Monday, July 1, 2019

Right now and through the whole month of July, you can park for free for the first half-hour at gated garages and the Bailey lot in downtown East Lansing. ELi's Brad Minor explains the special program and brings feedback from downtown businesses and City leaders.

Another Design, More Argument, and Another Extension for Royal Vlahakis

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why did a majority of East Lansing's Downtown Development Authority members vote to give Royal Vlahakis another extension? And why did Mayor Mark Meadows and Chair Peter Dewan vote in opposition? ELi's Alice Dreger brings you the latest from the ongoing drama.

Is the Rental Housing Market Becoming Saturated in East Lansing?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What might happen if "too many" rental apartments are built in and near East Lansing's downtown? And where are families supposed to rent? ELi's Noa Kuszai and Alice Dreger report on discussion from East Lansing's Planning Commission.

Myriad Developments from Council Meeting - But No Answer on Land Sale

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Changes to site plans of both the Graduate Hotel and Center City. Talk of the demise of the Royal Vlahakis proposal. Questions dodged (again) about that million-dollar eBay land sale. ELi's Alice Dreger brings you news from Tuesday night's Council meeting.

Vibrant Debate Surrounds Increasing Building Heights Downtown

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Why are so many Planning Commissioners against an ordinance allowing 160-foot-tall buildings downtown, and why are a majority of Downtown Development Authority members for it? As Council Members prepare to decide, ELi's Chris Root explains.

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