In Your Yard

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Little Local Joys: Look Through Any Window

Friday, April 3, 2020

For our continuing series of Little Local Joys during the stay-at-home order, ELi's Ann Kammerer reports on what one East Lansing resident is seeing outside his new home office.

Alice Dreger Stops Reporting for ELi

Friday, December 20, 2019

Publisher's plea: Read my Top Ten reasons to join me in giving to ELi, and consider a financial gift so that I can resume reporting!

Snow and Ice Reminders and Tips

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Now seems like a good time to provide some reminders and tips from ELi about snow and ice management for East Lansing residents.

Ask ELi: What’s with All the Acorns?

Monday, October 14, 2019

The size of the crop depends on the growing conditions the previous year, and also what happens when the tree flowered in the spring. Local forester Mike Vasievich provides some insight.

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